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This paper examines the effect of tariffs and exchange rates on U.S. prices of Japanese cars, trucks and motorcycles …. In particular, we test whether the long run pass-through of tariffs and exchange rates are identical: the symmetry …
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In this paper we investigate the relation between tariff changes, terms of trade changes and the equilibrium real exchange rate. For this purpose we use two models of a small open economy: (1) a three goods version of the Ricardo-Viner model; and (2) a three goods model with full intersectoral...
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In theory, we should expect tariffs to be partially offset by a currency appreciation in the tariff-imposing country or … by a depreciation in the country on which the tariff is imposed. We find, based on a calibrated model, that the tariffs … the dollar and the renminbi. We find that tariffs explained at most one fifth of the dollar effective appreciation but …
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these wedges to calculate the impact of the Smoot Hawley tariffs on total factor productivity and welfare. In our benchmark …
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In this paper I discuss some of the most important lessons on exchange rate policies in emerging markets during the last 35 years. The analysis is undertaken from the perspective of both the Latin American and East Asian nations. Some of the topics addressed include: the relationship between...
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On August 15, 1971, President Richard Nixon closed the gold window and imposed a 10 percent surcharge on all dutiable imports in an effort to force other countries to revalue their currencies against the dollar. The import surcharge was lifted four months later after the Smithsonian agreement...
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, deflation and declining economic activity continued in Canada until 1933. This paper examines the determinants of the Canadian … 1930's despite Canada's de facto departure from the Gold Standard. We develop the answer in two stages. First, we show that … that even if all contractual obligations were met, Canada would lose her reputation as a responsible debtor. Second, we …
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This paper deals with the relationship between inflation targeting and exchange rates. I address three specific issues: first, I analyze the effectiveness of nominal exchange rates as shock absorbers in countries with inflation targeting. This issue is closely related to the magnitude of the...
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In this study, the authors examine three aspects of the Canadian experience with flexible exchange rates in the 1970s: the movements in the Canadian dollar-U.S. dollar exchange rate, the sharp growth of external borrowings by Canadians in the 1974-76 period, and the real effects of relative...
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We show that even when the exchange rate cannot be devalued, a small set of conventional fiscal instruments can robustly replicate the real allocations attained under a nominal exchange rate devaluation in a dynamic New Keynesian open economy environment. We perform the analysis under...
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