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In this paper, we study the identification and estimation of a dynamic discrete game allowing for discrete or continuous state variables. We first provide a general nonparametric identification result under the imposition of an exclusion restriction on agent payoffs. Next we analyze large sample...
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Recent work on robust estimation has led to many procedures, which are easy to formulate and straightforward to program but difficult to study analytically. In such circumstances experimental sampling is quite attractive, but the variety and complexity of both estimators and sampling situations...
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The synthetic control method is widely used in comparative case studies to adjust for differences in pre-treatment characteristics. A major attraction of the method is that it limits extrapolation bias that can occur when untreated units with different pre-treatment characteristics are combined...
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We give some Monte Carlo results on the performance of two robust alternatives to least squares regression estimation - least absolute residuals and the one-step "sine" estimator. We show how to scale the residuals for the sine estimator to achieve constant efficiency at the Gaussian across...
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This paper gives an alternative derivation of a Monte Carlo method that has been used to study robust estimators. Extensions of the technique to the regression case are also considered and some computational points are briefly mentioned
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This paper describes the results of a Monte Carlo study of certain aspects of robust regression confidence region estimation for linear models with one, five, and seven parameters. One-step sine estimators (c = l.42) were used with design matrices consisting of short-tailed, Gaussian, and...
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This study uses Monte Carlo simulations to examine the ability of the two-stage least-squares (2SLS) estimator and two-stage residual inclusion (2SRI) estimators with varying forms of residuals to estimate the local average and population average treatment effect parameters in models with binary...
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This paper studies identification and inference for the effect of a mis-classified, binary, endogenous regressor when a discrete-valued instrumental variable is available. We begin by showing that the only existing point identification result for this model is incorrect. We go on to derive the...
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Many applications in financial economics use data series with different starting or ending dates. This paper describes estimation methods, based on the generalized method of moments (GMM), which make use of all available data for each moment condition. We introduce two asymptotically equivalent...
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Many dynamic problems in economics are characterized by large state spaces which make both computing and estimating the model infeasible. We introduce a method for approximating the value function of high-dimensional dynamic models based on sieves and establish results for the: (a) consistency,...
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