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react in opposite directions to a shock to the real economy, and the response of inflation to uncertainty shocks vary across …
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What accounts for inflation after 2008? We use the prominent pre-crisis Smets-Wouters (2007) model to address this … question. We find that due to price markup shocks alone inflation would have been 1% higher than observed and 0.5% higher that … responsible for the slow recovery of employment, though not for the initial drop. Monetary policy shocks predict an inflation rate …
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We provide evidence on the relationship between aggregate uncertainty and the macroeconomy. Identifying uncertainty shocks using methods from the news shocks literature, the analysis finds that innovations in realized stock market volatility are robustly followed by contractions, while shocks to...
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More than fifty years ago, Friedman and Schwartz examined historical data for the United States and found evidence of pro-cyclical movements in the money stock, which led corresponding movements in output. We find similar correlations in more recent data; these appear most clearly when Divisia...
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We propose a novel identification strategy of imposing sign restrictions directly on the impulse responses of a large set of variables in a Bayesian factor-augmented vector autoregression. We conceptualize and formalize conditions under which every additional sign restriction imposed can be...
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What are the relative effects of anticipated vs. unanticipated monetary policy? I examine the effect of this identifying assumption on VAR estimates of the output response to money, assuming that anticipated monetary policy can have some effect on output results in much shorter and smaller...
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This paper considers VAR models incorporating many time series that interact through a few dynamic factors. Several econometric issues are addressed including estimation of the number of dynamic factors and tests for the factor restrictions imposed on the VAR. Structural VAR identification based...
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linchpin in the monetary transmission mechanism that works through fluctuations in risk-taking. Motivated by the evidence, we … formulate a model of the "risk-taking channel" of monetary policy in the international context that rests on the feedback loop …
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preference or more generally a demand shock. More recently two other explanations have been advocated: surprise changes in …
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are consistent across approaches and most likely medium. Alternative monetary policy shock measures from estimated Taylor …
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