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estimated in two ways. One may test for speculative bubbles, or fads, by testing whether the two estimates are the same. When … the test is applied to some annual U.S. stock market data, the data usually reject the null hypothesis of no bubbles. The …
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This paper formulates and estimates multistage production functions for children's cognitive and noncognitive skills. Skills are determined by parental environments and investments at different stages of childhood. We estimate the elasticity of substitution between investments in one period and...
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When excess returns are used to estimate linear stochastic discount factor (SDF) models, researchers often adopt a normalization of the SDF that sets its mean to 1, or one that sets its intercept to 1. These normalizations are often treated as equivalent, but they are subtly different both in...
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parameters of the best linear approximation is characterized via its support function, and limit theory is developed for the …
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theory for the shape of the spectral distribution function of the first differences. Under the null hypothesis, this shape … against particular alternatives. Application of the test to stock prices finds some evidence against the random walk theory …
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This paper explores whether affine models with volatility jumps estimated on intradaily S&P 500 futures data over 1983-2008 can capture major daily outliers such as the 1987 stock market crash. I find that intradaily jumps in futures prices are typically small, and that self-exciting but...
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We construct factors from a cross section of exchange rates and use the idiosyncratic deviations from the factors to forecast. In a stylized data generating process, we show that such forecasts can be effective even if there is essentially no serial correlation in the univariate exchange rate...
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In this paper, we build a new test of rational expectations based on the marginal distributions of realizations and subjective beliefs. This test is widely applicable, including in the common situation where realizations and beliefs are observed in two different datasets that cannot be matched....
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We develop simple tests for endogenous prices arising from omitted demand factors in discrete choice models. Our approach only requires one to locate testing proxies that have some correlation with the omitted factors when prices are endogenous. We use the difference between prices and their...
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. In addition to standard Wald tests, we formulate Lagrange Multiplier and Distance Metric tests which require estimation … under the non-linear constraints of the null hypotheses. Estimation under the null is achieved by iterating on approximate …
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