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This paper examines how unemployment affects retirement and whether the Unemployment Insurance (UI) system and Social … income loss associated with a weak labor market. We also estimate the impact of UI generosity on retirement and find little … for older workers than UI. …
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Using longitudinal data for 1968-2009 for male household heads, we determine the prevalence of pre- retirement age disability and its association with a wide range of outcomes, including earnings, income, and consumption. We then employ some of these quantities in the optimal social insurance...
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This paper analyzes the effects of fixed-term contracts using a version of the Lucas and Prescott island model with undirected search. A fixed-term contract of length J is modeled as a tax on separations of workers with tenure higher than J . While in principle these policies require a very...
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duration to be convincingly separated from effects on incidence. The results show a sharp fall in the hazard of leaving UI that …This paper examines unemployment duration and the incidence of claims following a 36 percent increase in the maximum … incidence of claims and with this change in incidence biasing duration estimates. The evidence further suggests that, at least …
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reason for the absence of the AWE may be that unemployment insurance (UI) is providing a state-contingent income stream that … counteracts the negative income shock from the husband's unemployment. We in fact find that increases in the generosity of UI … lower labor supply among wives of unemployed husbands. Our results suggest that UI is crowding out a sizeable fraction of …
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One goal of extending the duration of unemployment insurance (UI) in recessions is to increase UI coverage in the face … differential effects of UI in booms and recessions, this paper exploits the fact that, in Germany, potential UI benefit duration is … nonemployment effects of a month of additional UI benefits are, at best, somewhat declining in recessions. Yet, the UI exhaustion …
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The majority of papers analyzing the employment effects of unemployment insurance (UI) benefit durations focuses on the … duration of the first unemployment spell. In this paper, we make two contributions. First, we use a regression discontinuity … design to analyze the long-term effects of extensions in UI durations. These estimates differ from standard estimates that …
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We study how the level of unemployment insurance (UI) benefits that trades off the consumption smoothing benefit with … that the consumption smoothing benefit of UI is acyclical. Using these estimates to calibrate our model, we find that a one …
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candidate explanation is supply-side effects driven by dramatic expansions of Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefit durations, to … as many as 99 weeks. This paper investigates the effect of these UI extensions on job search and reemployment. I use the … comparisons intended to distinguish the effects of UI extensions from other determinants of employment outcomes. The various …
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We develop an equilibrium search-matching model with risk-neutral agents and two-sided ex-ante heterogeneity Unemployment insurance has the standard effect of reducing employment, but also helps workers to get a suitable job. The predictions of our simple model are consistent with the...
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