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, when there is excess demand, the good will not be allocated to the buyers who value it the most. The resulting allocative … household-level, discrete-continuous model of natural gas demand, we estimate that the allocative cost in the U.S. residential …
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Energy efficiency and conservation are considered key means for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and achieving other energy policy goals, but associated market behavior and policy responses have engendered debates in the economic literature. We review economic concepts underlying consumer...
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We estimate the impacts of the Climate Change Levy (CCL) on manufacturing plants using panel data from the UK production census. Our identification strategy builds on the comparison of outcomes between plants subject to the CCL and plants that were granted an 80% discount on the levy after...
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We analyze the cost-effectiveness of electric utility ratepayer-funded programs to promote demand-side management (DSM …) and energy efficiency (EE) investments. We specify a model that relates electricity demand to previous EE DSM spending …, energy prices, income, weather, and other demand factors. In contrast to previous studies, we allow EE DSM spending to have a …
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Several policy makers and economists have proposed the adoption of a carbon tax in the United States. It is widely recognized that such a tax in practice must take the form of a tax on the consumption of energy products such as gasoline. Although a large existing literature examines the...
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the shape of the ethanol demand curve to the distribution of price ratios at which individual households switch fuels. I … estimate the model using data from many retail fueling stations. Demand is price-sensitive with a mean elasticity of 2.5-3.5. I …
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Nonlinear pricing and taxation complicate economic decisions by creating multiple marginal prices for the same good. This paper provides a framework to uncover consumers' perceived price of nonlinear price schedules. I exploit price variation at spatial discontinuities in electricity service...
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Improving the efficiency with which we use energy is often said to be the most cost-effective way to reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions. Yet, such improvements usually lower the cost of using energy-intensive goods and may create wealth from the energy savings, both of which lead to...
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Many countries use substantial public funds to subsidize reductions in negative externalities. However, such subsidies create asymmetric incentives because increases in externalities remain unpriced. This paper examines implications of such asymmetric subsidy incentives by using a regression...
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Imperfect information and inattention to energy costs are important potential justifications for energy efficiency standards and subsidies. We evaluate these policies in the lightbulb market using a theoretical model and two randomized experiments. We derive welfare effects as functions of...
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