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This paper develops a method to correct for non-random measurement error in a binary indicator of illicit drugs. Our results suggest that estimates of the effect of self reported prenatal drug use on birth weight are biased upwards by measurement error -- a finding contrary to predictions of a...
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In this paper empirical evidence is presented on the determinants of obesity in youth in the U.S., with particular … emphasis on isolating the effects of diet and parent's fatness on the obesity outcome. The results show that parents fatness …'s fatness effects in the youth obesity probability equations. The probability models show that if either of the parents of a 10 …
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This paper examines the role physical activity plays in determining body mass using data from the American Time Use Survey. Our work is the first to address the measurement error that arises when time use during a single day--rather than average daily time use over an extended period--is used as...
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Obesity is an important global health problem. Although obesity is not directly related to access to health care or … to identify the causal role of schooling in affecting obesity among children and adolescents, using new estimation …
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: smoking and obesity. We focus attention on evidence from Randomized Controlled Trials, twin studies, and quasi …-experiments. There is no convincing evidence of an effect of education on obesity, and the effects on smoking are only apparent when …
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A substantial literature has examined the impact of stress during early childhood on later-life health. This paper contributes to that literature by examining the later-life health impact of stress during adolescence and early adulthood, using a novel proxy for stress: risk of military induction...
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The effects of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) on obesity have been the focus of much debate … quasi-experimental variation in SNAP benefit amount on adult obesity. Children of SNAP households qualify for free in … for SNAP households. We find that increases in SNAP benefits have no effect on obesity levels for the full sample of those …
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blue collar work, on subsequent health outcomes relating to body mass index, obesity, alcohol consumption, and physical … higher body mass index and obesity later in life, while labor occupations are related to higher probabilities of smoking … later in life. Blue collar work early in life is associated with increased probabilities of obesity and smoking, and …
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around the 1970s. In sum, the creeping nature of the obesity epidemic is evident, as the technological and lifestyle changes …
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The trend in the BMI values of the US population has not been estimated accurately because time series data are unavailable and because the focus has been on calculating period effects. In contrast to the prevailing strategies, we estimate the trend and rate of change of BMI values by birth...
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