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obesity. The economic burden of depression, about $100 billion annually, is under-estimated if depression has a positive … causal impact on obesity. If depression plays a causal role in increasing the prevalence of obesity, then policy … from major depression to higher BMI and obesity. While contemporaneous effects are considered, the study primarily focuses …
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blue collar work, on subsequent health outcomes relating to body mass index, obesity, alcohol consumption, and physical … higher body mass index and obesity later in life, while labor occupations are related to higher probabilities of smoking … later in life. Blue collar work early in life is associated with increased probabilities of obesity and smoking, and …
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intake and obesity. The cross-national trends, across countries spanning the spectrum of economic development and geographic …
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Despite plausible mechanisms, little research has evaluated potential changes in health behaviors as a result of the Medicaid expansions of the 1980s and 1990s for pregnant women. Accordingly, we provide the first national study of the effects of Medicaid on health behaviors for pregnant women....
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This paper documents facts about the state corporate tax structure | tax rates, base rules, and credits | and investigates its consequences for state tax revenue and economic activity. We present three main findings. First, tax base rules and credits explain more of the variation in state...
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This paper documents facts about the structure of business taxation in China using administrative tax data from 2007 to 2011 from the State Taxation Administration. We first document the importance of different business taxes across industries. While corporate income taxes play an important role...
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Property taxes in developing countries are plagued by noncompliance and can exacerbate liquidity constraints. We characterize optimal enforcement and taxation policies as functions of revenue elasticities and measures of taxpayer hardship. We estimate these parameters using multiple sources of...
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