Showing 1 - 10 of 32
This paper develops a method to correct for non-random measurement error in a binary indicator of illicit drugs. Our results suggest that estimates of the effect of self reported prenatal drug use on birth weight are biased upwards by measurement error -- a finding contrary to predictions of a...
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In this paper empirical evidence is presented on the determinants of obesity in youth in the U.S., with particular … emphasis on isolating the effects of diet and parent's fatness on the obesity outcome. The results show that parents fatness …'s fatness effects in the youth obesity probability equations. The probability models show that if either of the parents of a 10 …
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Obesity is an important global health problem. Although obesity is not directly related to access to health care or … to identify the causal role of schooling in affecting obesity among children and adolescents, using new estimation …
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This study exploits plausibly exogenous variation from the youngest sibling's school eligibility to estimate the effects of parental work on the weight outcomes of older children in the household. Data come from the 1979 cohort of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth linked to the Child and...
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to sizeable increases in the prevalence of overweight and obesity among low-income children …
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This paper investigates how accountability pressures under No Child Left Behind (NCLB) may affect children's rate of overweight. Schools facing increased pressures to produce academic outcomes may reallocate their efforts in ways that have unintended consequences for children's health. For...
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There is insufficient research on the direct effects of food advertising on children's diet and diet-related health, particularly in non-experimental settings. We employ a nationally-representative sample from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Survey-Kindergarten Cohort (ECLS-K) and the Nielsen...
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In this paper, we investigate the impact of attending school on body weight and obesity. We use school starting age …
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supermarket access as policy instruments to address childhood obesity …
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as well as measures of overweight and obesity. We then turn to quantile regression to address the possibility that …
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