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This paper examines the relationship between innovation and firms' dependence on external capital by analyzing the … innovation activities of privately-held and publicly-traded firms. We find that public firms in external finance dependent … in internal finance dependent industries do not have a significantly better innovation profile than matched private firms …
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We show theoretically and empirically that in the presence of a time-varying cost of capital (COC), firms have a hedging motive to reduce the overall COC over time by saving cash when COC is relatively low. The sensitivity of cash savings to COC is especially pronounced with respect to the cost...
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Data on firm-loan-level daily credit line drawdowns in the United States expose a corporate "dash for cash" induced by the COVID-19 pandemic. In the first phase of the crisis, which was characterized by extreme precaution and heightened aggregate risk, all firms drew down bank credit lines and...
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Intuition suggests that firms with higher cash holdings are safer and should have lower credit spreads. Yet empirically, the correlation between cash and spreads is robustly positive and higher for lower credit ratings. This puzzling finding can be explained by the precautionary motive for...
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We argue that a firm's aggregate risk is a key determinant of whether it manages its future liquidity needs through cash reserves or bank lines of credit. Banks create liquidity for firms by pooling their idiosyncratic risks. As a result, firms with high aggregate risk find it costly to get...
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We establish that macroprudential policies limiting capital flows can curb risks arising from corporate foreign currency borrowing in emerging markets. Using detailed firm-level data from India, we show that propensity to issue foreign currency debt for the same firm is higher when the...
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We examine the optimal financing of infrastructure when governments have limited financial commitment and can expropriate rents from private sector firms that manage infrastructure. While private firms need incentives to implement projects well, governments need incentives to limit...
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employees to pursue value-enhancing innovative activities. Using patents and citations as proxies for innovation, we identify … that within a country, innovation and economic growth are fostered by stringent laws governing dismissal of employees …, especially in the more innovation-intensive sectors. Firm-level tests within the United States that exploit a discontinuity …
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We show that wrongful discharge laws - laws that protect employees against unjust dismissal - spur innovation and new … employers' ability to hold up innovating employees after the innovation is successful. By reducing the possibility of hold …
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