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In this paper, we use cross-industry, cross-country panel data to test whether industry growth is positively affected by the interaction between the reactivity of real short term interest rates to the business cycle and industry-level measures of financial constraints. Financial constraints are...
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This paper investigates the relationship between product market competition (PMC) and innovation. A growth model is … reduce innovation incentives for laggards. There are four key predictions. First, the relationship between product market … competition (PMC) and innovation is an inverted U-shape. Second, the equilibrium degree of technological neck-and-neckness' among …
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This paper develops a model based on Schumpeter's process of creative destruction. It departs from existing models of endogenous growth in emphasizing obsolescence of old technologies induced by the accumulation of knowledge and the resulting process or industrial innovations. This has both...
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' decisions whether to innovate "clean" or "dirty". We first develop a step-by-step innovation model to capture the basic … green innovation as major increase in fuel prices …
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This paper investigates the effect of export shocks on innovation. On the one hand a positive shock increases market … size and therefore innovation incentives for all firms. On the other hand it increases competition as more firms enter the … export market. This in turn reduces profits and therefore innovation incentives particularly for firms with low productivity …
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misallocation of talents to innovation …
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Statistical agencies typically impute inflation for disappearing products based on surviving products, which may result in overstated inflation and understated growth. Using U.S. Census data, we apply two ways of assessing the magnitude of "missing growth" for private nonfarm businesses from...
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Scientific freedom and openness are hallmarks of academia: relative to their counterparts in industry, academics maintain discretion over their research agenda and allow others to build on their discoveries. This paper examines the relationship between openness and freedom, building on recent...
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We find that institutional ownership in publicly traded companies is associated with more innovation (measured by cite …, policy changes and disaggregating by type of owner we find that the effect of institutions on innovation does not appear to …
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How does firm entry affect innovation incentives and productivity growth in incumbent firms? Micro-data suggests that … threat spurs innovation incentives in sectors close to the technological frontier--successful innovation allows incumbents to … prevent entry. In laggard sectors it discourages innovation--increased entry threat reduces incumbents' expected rents from …
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