Showing 1 - 10 of 13
of life deep into the 18th century. Does world market integration breed more or less commodity price volatility? The … been associated with much greater commodity price volatility, while world market integration associated with peace and pro … never been constant. Globalization increased poor country specialization in commodities when the world went open after the …
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W. Arthur Lewis argued that a new international economic order emerged between 1870 and 1913, and that global terms of trade forces produced rising primary product specialization and de-industrialization in the poor periphery. More recently, modern economists argue that volatility reduces growth...
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The literature on the benefits and costs of financial globalization for developing countries has exploded in recent years, but along many disparate channels with a variety of apparently conflicting results. We attempt to provide a unified conceptual framework for organizing this vast and growing...
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This paper uses a new database to establish a key finding: high tariffs were associated with fast growth before World … controlling for novel measures of the changing world economic environment. Rejecting alternative explanations based on changing … head in a world environment characterized by a moderately higher level of generalized tariff protection. We confirm the …
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This paper uses a new database to establish two findings covering the first globalization boom before World War I, the … second since World War II, and the autarkic interlude in between. First, there is strong evidence supporting a Tariff …-Growth Paradox: protection was associated with fast growth before World War II, while it was associated with slow growth thereafter …
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experience in the Old World, the New World last century and a half …
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countries joined their club. Furthermore, by the interwar the majority were catching up on Germany, the US and the UK, a process … that accelerated even more up to 1950-1975. What explains the spread of the industrial revolution world-wide and this … to have taken resource advantages away from the European and North American leaders, and integrating world financial …
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While openness to trade is a well-recognized hallmark of many successful emerging market economies known as "growth miracles," another component of the growth model is a leapfrogging strategy - the use of policies to guide the industrial structural transformation ahead of a country's factor...
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This paper documents industrial output growth around the poor periphery (Latin America, the European periphery, the Middle East and North Africa, Asia, and sub-Saharan Africa) between 1870 and 2007. We find that although the roots of rapid peripheral industrialization stretch into the late 19th...
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A Third World data base documenting commodity and factor prices 1870-1940 has been collected, yielding annual time … for 10 in the so-called greater Atlantic economy: Australia, Britain, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Spain …/rental ratios the world round between 1870 and 1940. The data offer a useful way to identify the impact of globalization on the pre …
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