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countries and product categories, in the euro area over the last fifteen years. Our results show that the transmission of … the introduction of the euro caused a structural change in this transmission. Although estimated point elasticities seem … to have declined since the introduction of the euro, we find little evidence of a structural break in the transmission of …
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The risk sensitivity of international capital flow pressures is explored using a new Exchange Market Pressure index that combines pressures observed in exchange rate adjustments with model-based estimates of incipient pressures that are masked by foreign exchange interventions and policy rate...
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reducing the dollar funding pressures abroad and stresses in money markets. The central bank dollar swap facilities are an …
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The perceptions of a central bank's inflation aversion may reflect institutional structure or, more dynamically, the … for persistent variation in market perceptions of central bank inflation aversion. The first years of the European Central … Bank (ECB) provide a natural experiment for this model. Tests of the effect of news announcements on the slope of yield …
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International financial linkages, particularly through global bank flows, generate important questions about the …. Empirical tests of the trilemma support this view that global bank effects are heterogeneous, and also that the primary drivers …
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Although currency invoicing in international trade transactions is central to the transmission of monetary policy, the forces motivating the choice of currency have long been debated. We introduce a model wherein agents involved in international trade can invoice in the exporter's currency, the...
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facility. We provide new evidence on how the central bank swap lines and FIMA repo facility reduce strains in global dollar …
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Global liquidity refers to the volumes of financial flows - largely intermediated through global banks and non-bank … regulatory agendas related to non-bank financial institutions …
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This analysis utilizes death certificate data from the Multiple Cause of Death (MCOD) files to better measure the specific drugs involved in drug poisoning fatalities. Statistical adjustment procedures are used to provide more accurate estimates, accounting for the understatement in death...
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We use information from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 (NLSY79) and supplementary data sources to examine how cognitive performance, measured at approximately the end of secondary schooling, is related to the labor market outcomes of 20 through 50 year olds. Our estimates control...
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