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the bank, on the size of withdrawals and on the ownership and use of ATM cards. We model the adoption of new transaction … stock of cash held, we provide some evidence based on the number of trips to the bank and on the average withdrawals that …
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We provide a new explanation to the limited stock market participation puzzle. In deciding whether to buy stocks, investors factor in the risk of being cheated. The perception of this risk is a function not only of the objective characteristics of the stock, but also of the subjective...
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capital and trust (Banfield (1958), Putnam (1993)) across different parts of Italy, using microeconomic data on households and …
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We use exogenous variation in the degree of restrictions to bank competition across Italian provinces to study both the … effects of bank regulation and the impact of deregulation. We find that where entry was more restricted the cost of credit was … increase in bad loans. In provinces where restrictions to bank competition were most severe, the proportion of bad loans after …
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-Europe sentiment as does the 2010 Eurozone crisis. Yet, in spite of the worst recession in recent history, the Europeans still support …
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We document that individuals who grew up in areas with high density of firms are more likely, as adults, to become entrepreneurs, controlling for the density of firms in their current location. Conditional on becoming entrepreneurs, the same individuals are also more likely to be successful...
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We use a repeated survey of an Italian bank's clients to test whether investors' risk aversion increases following the …
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We exploit a unique combination of administrative sources and survey data to study the match between firms and managers. The data includes manager characteristics, such as risk aversion and talent; firm characteristics, such as ownership; detailed measures of managerial practices relative to...
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loans is larger for firms with more problematic access to bank credit and workers less likely to face credit constraints … bank lending. Consistent with credit market imperfections opening up trade opportunities within the firm, we find that the …
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's conjecture that today marked differences in social capital between the North and South of Italy were due to the culture of … independence fostered by the free city-states experience in the North of Italy at the turn of the first millennium. We show that …
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