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Innovation in SMEs exhibits some peculiar features that most traditional indicators of innovation activity do not … capture. Therefore, in this paper, we develop a structural model of innovation which incorporates information on innovation … process and product innovation. Both these kinds of innovation have a positive impact on firm's productivity, especially …
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We construct company panel datasets for manufacturing firms in Belgium, France, Germany and the UK, covering the period 1978-89. These datasets are used to estimate a range of empirical investment equations, and to investigate the role played by financial factors in each country. A robust...
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In this paper, we put forward the idea of an innovation accounting framework and consider two main indicators based on … it: expected innovation and innovativeness. The framework is the analogue of the standard framework of economic growth … idea using data from the European Community Innovation Surveys (CIS1 and CIS2) and measuring innovation by the share of …
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This paper studies the links between productivity, innovation and research at th level. We introduce three new features …: (i) A structural model that explains pro by innovation output, and innovation output by research investment; (ii) New dat … the available data: only a small proportion of firms engage in resea apply for patents; productivity, innovation and …
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In a companion study to that of Griliches and Mairesse for the United States, we have investigated the relationship between output, labor, and physical and R&D capital during the 1972-1977 period for a sample of 182 R&D performing firms in the French nnufacturing industries. Our results are...
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that the total current period (static) welfare gains of introducing a process or a product innovation are, on average …
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After presenting the history, the evolution and the content of innovation surveys, we discuss the characteristics of … have been made of these data: the construction of scoreboards for monitoring innovation and the scholarly analysis of … various issue related to innovation. In particular we review the questions examined and the results obtained regarding the …
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This paper studies the impact of process and product innovations introduced by firms on employment growth in these firms. A simple model that relates employment growth to process innovations and to the growth of sales separately due to innovative and unchanged products is developed and estimated...
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The paper examines the size and productivity of total intangible capital relative to total tangible capital for a large panel of Italian Manufacturing firms. In the analysis, we decompose total intangibles in two different ways: in intangibles expensed in firms' current accounts (as usually...
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presents some empirical evidence on the effects of innovation on employment growth and therefore on firms' productivity with … stemming from process innovation. The sources of employment growth during the period are split equally between the net … contribution of product innovation and the net contribution from sales growth of old products. However, the contribution of product …
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