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Using panel data for a sample of households in Utah from 1850 to 1900 we find income and wealth age profiles that are … a relationship between age-income and age-wealth profiles that is consistent with a life-cycle model of consumption … given a concave and peaked age-income profile: households accumulate and then begin to draw down wealth holdings, the age-wealth …
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earlier years of schooling, or whether education raises health directly or through income or wealth. In this paper, I examine … how the timing of educational attainment is important for adult health outcomes, income, and wealth, in order to … pronounced for income and wealth. In the full sample, the marginal effects on the probability of fair or poor health at age 55 of …
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wealth accumulation, their holdings of financial assets, and the relative risk in their chosen asset portfolios that have … especially so at older ages. This research examines the association of cognitive skills with wealth, wealth growth, and wealth …
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Business income is important in the upper tail of the personal income distribution, but the extent to which it is … captured by measures of personal income varies substantially across tax regimes. Using linked individual and firm data from … Norway, we are able to attribute business income to personal owners as it accrues rather than when it is realized. This …
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We estimate the elasticity of reported income with respect to tax rates for high earners using subnational variation …. We find that elasticities of reported income at the provincial level are large for incomes in the top one percent, but … small for lower earners. There are strong indications that the response happens both through earned and capital income …
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In a rare example of an explicit national goal for income distribution besides reducing poverty, China's leadership has … the potential trade-offs, the paper asks whether China's experience indicates that income-polarization was a by-product of … recently committed to expanding the middle-income share--moving to a less polarized "olive-shaped" distribution. Recognizing …
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Why do similar households end up with very different levels of wealth? We show that differences in the attitudes and … spend more time developing financial plans, and that this shift in planning effort is associated with increased wealth. The … why it is associated with wealth accumulation. Part of the answer lies in the very strong relationship we uncover between …
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This paper provides new evidence on the decomposition of aggregate household wealth into life-cycle and transfer wealth …. Using the 1998 Survey of Consumer Finances, it finds that transfer wealth accounts for approximately one-fifth to one …-quarter of aggregate wealth, suggesting a larger role for life-cycle savings than some previous estimates. Despite the smaller …
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income ( the rich') have higher lifetime saving rates (Dynan, Skinner, and Zeldes (1996); Lillard and Karoly (1997)). The … wealth accumulation is to finance future consumption, either their own or that of heirs. The paper concludes that the … simplest model that explains the relevant facts is one in which either consumers regard the accumulation of wealth as an end in …
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life. Most empirical studies in this area use cross-sectional data of estimate mean or median wealth-age profiles. The use … of cross-sections to estimate the age profile of assets is full of pitfalls. For example, if wealth and mortality are … related, in that poorer individuals die younger, one overestimates the last part of the wealth-age profile when using cross …
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