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This paper develops an approach to measuring the intensity of competition in international markets. The method measures the degree of 'outside' competition faced by exporters located in one source country from firms located outside the source country. We use the elasticity of price and quantity...
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We assess substitutable and complementary relationships among eight national advertising media classes, as well as the magnitude of their own-price elasticities. We use a translog demand model, whose parameters we estimate by three-stage least squares, based on 1960-94 annual U.S. data.We find...
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behavior in the car market. We show that a social planner can use leasing contracts to improve welfare but they are imperfect … tools; they cannot generally achieve first best while other mechanisms can. We also show that a producer with market power … can benefit from leasing contracts for two reasons: better pricing of the option of keeping the used good, and market …
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approximates Harris' (1954) market-potential function. The estimation results show how far demand linkages extend across space and …
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We examine how market structure and enforcement affect smuggling and welfare in a model where smuggling is camouflaged … by legal sales. Conditions are given for when some, but not necessarily all, firms smuggle. With camouflaging, the market …
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We consider nonparametric identification in models of differentiated products markets, using only market level … models widely used in applied work. We allow for product/market-specific unobservables, endogenous product characteristics (e …
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Most government expenditure is on goods that yield primarily private benefits, such as education, pensions, and healthcare. We argue that markets are most advantageous in areas where high-powered incentives are desirable, but in areas where high-powered incentives stimulate unproductive...
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This paper examines the microstructure of import markets and the division of the gains from trade among consumers, importers and exporters. When exporters and importers transact through anonymous markets, double marginalization and business stealing among competing importers lead to lower...
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There is a demand for safe assets, either government bonds or private substitutes, for use as collateral. Government bonds are safe assets, given the government's power to tax, but their supply is driven by fiscal considerations, and does not necessarily meet the private demand for safe assets....
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Our understanding of the determinants of physician skill and the extent to which skill is valued in the marketplace is superficial. Using a large, detailed panel of new obstetricians, we find that, even though physicians' maternal complication rates improve steadily with years of practice,...
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