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This paper develops an interpretation of the Asian meltdown focused on moral hazard as the common source of overinvestment, excessive external borrowing, and current account deficits. To the extent that foreign creditors are willing to lend to domestic agents against future bail-out revenue from...
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A significant source of risk arises from uncertainty concerning future government policy. Government action - - tax … preexisting rules. The effects of government relief - - compensation, grandfathering, phase-ins - - on ex ante incentives and risk …
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This paper presents a market equilibrium model of CEO assignment, pay and incentives under risk aversion and … distorted by the agency problem as firms involving higher risk or disutility choose less talented CEOs. Such firms also pay … higher salaries in the cross-section, but economy-wide increases in risk or the disutility of being a CEO (e.g. due to …
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Insurance induces a well-known tradeoff between the welfare gains from risk protection and the welfare losses from … the tradeoff simultaneously, allowing for a relationship between moral hazard and risk protection. An important feature of …, and stoplosses that alter moral hazard as well as risk protection relative to no insurance. I illustrate the properties of …
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between consumption losses in a disaster and the risk premium, a small amount of risk sharing can significantly attenuate the … effect that disaster risk has on the equity premium. We characterize the sensitivity of risk premium to wealth distribution … lead to significant variation in disaster risk premium. It also highlights the conditions under which disaster risk premium …
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shocks to aggregate uncertainty, I introduce a small, time-varying risk of economic disaster in a standard real business … risk of disaster does not affect the path of macroeconomic aggregates - a "separation theorem" between macroeconomic … variation in risk premia over time, are observationally equivalent to preference shocks. An increase in the perceived …
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Uncertainty appears to jump up after major shocks like the Cuban Missile crisis, the assassination of JFK, the OPEC I oil-price shock and the 9/11 terrorist attack. This paper offers a structural framework to analyze the impact of these uncertainty shocks. I build a model with a time varying...
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, analyze, and manage macroeconomic risk based on the theory and practice of modern contingent claims analysis (CCA). We … illustrate how to use the CCA approach to model and measure sectoral and national risk exposures, and analyze policies to offset … their potentially harmful effects. This new framework provides economic balance sheets for inter-linked sectors and a risk …
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of the world, individuals acquire skill; however outside investors and individuals inefficiently share risk. We show that … economy enters an endogenous disaster state. We show that the possibility of these disaster states distorts risk prices, even …
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We worked with two microlenders to test impacts of randomly assigned reminders for loan repayments in the "text messaging capital of the world". We do not find strong evidence that loss versus gain framing or messaging timing matter. Messages only robustly improve repayment when they include the...
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