Showing 1 - 10 of 734
I assess the magnitude of human capital spillovers in US cities by estimating plant-level production functions. I use a unique firm worker matched dataset, obtained by combining the Census of Manufacturers with the Census of Population. After controlling for a plant's own human capital, plant...
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The main purpose of this paper is to present estimates of production and cost functions obtained from using a time-series, cross-section data set pertaining to Israeli industry, We include a detailed list of heterogeneity controls in the specifications which substantially enhances the...
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In Kouri, Macedo and Viscio (1982), we applied a vintage model of supply to data from the French manufacturing sector. The model was,however, solved with a particular parametrization (Cobb Douglas production function and a quadratic adjustment function). Also, no fixed factors were allowed for...
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Consistent with two models of imperfect competition in the labor market, the efficient bargaining model and the monopsony model, we provide two extensions of a microeconomic version of Hall's framework for estimating price-cost margins. We show that both product and labor market imperfections...
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We find a negative relationship between bank distress and the level, quality and trajectory of firm-level innovation during the Great Depression, particularly for R&D firms operating in capital intensive industries. However, we also show that because a sufficient number of R&D intensive firms...
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This paper develops a novel method to estimate production functions. Earlier papers rely on special assumptions about the functional form of production functions. Our approach efficiently estimates all parameters of any production functions with Hicks-neutral productivity without additional...
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This paper explores how accounting for variations in factor utilization rates alters the empirical characteristics of productivity residuals in the United States and Canada. Using data on 19 manufacturing industries, we study the behavior of productivity using three proxies for capital services....
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Significant changes in the external orientation of manufacturing industries are observed in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, but not in Japan. The observed increases in external orientation are in terms of industry export shares, import penetration, and imported input use in...
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A model is estimated for oligopolistic industries producing multiple outputs in short-run equilibrium. Outputs are sold domestically and exported, while capital is treated as a quasi-fixed factor. The model is applied to the Canadian nonelectrical machinery, electrical products and chemical...
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Using the universe of large Canadian manufacturing firms in 1988 and 1996, we investigate to what extent outsourcing decision can be explained by a simple property rights model. The unique availability of disaggregate information on outputs as well as inputs permits the construction of a very...
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