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This paper estimates the parameters of the ideas' production function central to recent models of economic growth. We do so by evaluating the determinants of international' patenting rates across the OECD, where an international patent is one granted by the U.S. patent office to a foreign...
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In recent papers, Nelson and Pack (1995) , Rodrik (1997), and Hsieh (1997a) argue that standard measures of total factor productivity growth in countries where the capital-labour ratio has risen rapidly, e.g. the East Asian NICS, will understate true productivity growth if the elasticity of...
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This paper analyzes data from Project STAR, an experiment in which 11,600 Tennessee kindergarten students and teachers were randomly assigned to one of three types of classes beginning in the 1985-86 school year: small classes (13-17 students), regular-size classes (22-25 students) teacher's...
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When factors enter into joint-production, they typically develop a degree of specificity with respect to each other. It is well known that, when combined with contracting difficulties, specificity gives rise to a Williamsonian 'Fundamental Transformation' from an ex-ante competitive relationship...
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In this paper we examine how to account for growth when new inputs are being created. In particular, we obtain a decomposition of growth into that due to a higher quantity of existing inputs, and that due to a greater range of inputs. This decomposition is first obtained for a single firm, with...
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theory of production, the equilibrium conditions implied by optimizing behavior, and exogenous influences on product demand …
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In this paper we develop measures of economic capacity output and economic capacity utilization for firms producing multiple outputs and having one or .ore quasi-fixed inputs. Although we produce an impossibility theorem showing that based only on the assumption of cost minimization, the concept...
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The growth rate of output per worker in the U.S. declined sharply during the 1970's. A leading explanation of this phenomenon holds that the dramatic rise in energy prices during the 1970's caused a significant portion of the U.S. capital stock to become obsolete. This led to a decline in...
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with theoretical work on internal theory of the firm, which predicts that productivity compensation schemes will work well … production, as theory has hypothesized. The number of members in a group decreases both the quantity produced and the efficiency …
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The discussion of foreign ownership in Canada frequently refers to a conventional view that foreign-owned firms are larger, more capital-intensive, pay higher wages and are more efficient. Evidence for these characterizations has unfortunately come from comparisons of partial productivity...
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