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We introduce a model of oligopoly dynamic pricing where firms with limited capacity face a sales deadline. We establish conditions under which the equilibrium is unique and converges to a system of differential equations. Using unique and comprehensive pricing and bookings data for competing...
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impact of low-wage competition on U.S. manufacturing employment and output. Markets characterized by relatively shorter … quality ladders are associated with larger employment and output declines resulting from low-wage competition …
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This paper tests the empirical importance of the price dispersion predictions of the Prescott-Eden-Dana (PED) models. Equilibrium price dispersion is derived in a setting with costly capacity and demand uncertainty where different fares can be explained by the different selling probabilities....
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literature to introduce an empirical framework for analyzing network competition among airlines. Airlines make market entry … decisions and choose flight frequencies in the first stage, followed by price competition to attract passengers in the second …
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We study specialized lending in a credit market competition model with private information. Two banks, equipped with …
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This paper studies how market competition influences the algorithmic design choices of firms in the context of … to maximize estimated profit. We show that competition may induce firms to strategically choose simpler algorithms which …
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A price dispersion equation is tested with data from the German hyper-inflation. The equation is derived from a version of Lucas' (1973) and Barro's (1976) partial information-localized market models. In this extension, different excess demand elasticities across commodities imply a testable...
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The dispersion of many economic variables is countercyclical. What drives this fact? Greater dispersion could arise from greater volatility of shocks or from agents responding more to shocks of constant size. Without data separately measuring exogenous shocks and endogenous responses, a...
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We document the behavior of trade prices during the Great Trade Collapse of 2008-2009 using transaction-level data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. First, we find that differentiated manufactures exhibited marked stability in their trade prices during the large decline in their trade...
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We introduce a new data set on over 230,000 monthly prices for 10 goods in 50 Canadian cities over the 40 year period from 1910 to 1950. This coupled with previously published price information from the late twentieth century allows us to present one of the first comprehensive views of nominal...
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