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We examine the prediction of Merton's intertemporal CAPM that time varying risk premiums arise from the conditional covariances of returns on assets with the return on the market and other state variables. We find a positive and significant price of risk for the covariance with the market return...
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Large numbers of part-time workers around the world, both those who choose to be part-time and those who are there involuntarily and would prefer a full-time job report they want more hours. Full-timers who say they want to change their hours mostly say they want to reduce them. When recession...
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Are country borders still an impediment to trade flows within Europe? Using a rich microlevel survey with 3 million … average border effect but still quite large. The implication is clear: Europe is far from having a single market …
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A number of studies have identifed patterns of positive correlation of returns, or comovement, among different traded …
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We perform maximum likelihood estimation of a model of international asset pricing based on CAPM. We test the …
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Data on human height can provide an index that may measure more accurately changes in the standard of living than the more conventional real wage index. Height data, like those on real wages, are relatively abundant and extend back to the seventeenth century. In a previous paper, we developed...
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discuss alternative explanations of the correlation between health and schooling. The second is to test these explanations …
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with intra-group risk correlation, which is expected in natural test groupings based on proximity. Third, because optimal … groupings depend on uncertain risk and correlation, we show how better estimates from machine learning can drive large …
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sensitive to how educational categories are chosen. We also find no evidence that the correlation between spouses' potential …
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The recent literature on instrumental variables (IV) features models in which agents sort into treatment status on the basis of gains from treatment as well as on baseline-pretreatment levels. Components of the gains known to the agents and acted on by them may not be known by the observing...
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