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This paper studies the effect of changes in economic conditions on crime. We exploit the 1990s trade liberalization in … Brazil as a natural experiment generating exogenous shocks to local economies. We document that regions exposed to larger … tariff reductions experienced a temporary increase in crime following liberalization. Next, we investigate through what …
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We investigate the impact of a large economic shock on mortality. We find that counties more exposed to a plausibly …
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Local labor market shocks are difficult to insure against. Using confidential micro data from the U.S. Census Bureau's Longitudinal Business Database, we document that firms redistribute the employment impacts of local demand shocks across regions through their internal networks of...
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We use micro data for Ireland to estimate how export participation and the export revenue of incumbent exporters respond to tariffs and real exchange rates. Both participation and revenue, but especially revenue, are more responsive to tariffs than to real exchange rates. Our estimates translate...
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Tracking individual workers across jobs after Brazil's trade liberalization in the 1990s shows that tariff cuts trigger …
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methodology to Brazil's early 1990s trade liberalization and find statistically significant but modest effects of liberalization …
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In this paper, I study the effect of economic integration with the United States on state-industry employment growth in Mexico. I disentangle the effects of two opposing forces on regional labor demand: transport-cost considerations, which, all else equal, encourage firms to relocate their...
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How will countries handle idiosyncratic national macroeconomic shocks under the European single currency? The ways in which European countries now react to internally asymmetric shocks provide a better forecast than do the regional response pattern of the United States. In this paper we compare...
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We document the consequences of real exchange rate movements for the employment, hours, and hourly earnings of workers in manufacturing industries across individual states. Exchange rates have statistically significant wage and employment implications in these local labor markets. The importance...
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flexible structure of spatial linkages, we characterize the model-consistent shock exposure of a local market as the exogenous … directly to the market's own shock exposure, and indirectly to other markets shocks exposures. We show how spatial linkages … control the size and the heterogeneity of these indirect effects. We then develop a new estimation methodology - the Model …
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