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spent on nondurable household consumption in the quarter that they are received. To interpret this fact, we develop a … rebate episode yields consumption responses to fiscal stimulus payments that are in line with the evidence, and an order of …
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We document that variations in government purchases generate a rise in consumption, the real and the product wage, and … effect is linked to the degree of complementarity between consumption and hours. We show that the model is able to match our … the positive wealth effect on labor supply is small and therefore the negative wealth effect on consumption is, somewhat …
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disagree even on the basic effects of a shock to government spending on goods and services: neoclassical models predict that … private consumption and the real wage will fall, while some neo-keyenesian models predict the opposite. This paper discusses …
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This paper characterizes the dynamic effects of shocks in government spending and taxes on economic activity in the United States in the post-war period. It does so by using a mixed structural VAR/event study approach. Identification is achieved by using institutional information about the tax...
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We develop a method for identifying and quantifying the fiscal channels that help finance government spending shocks. We define fiscal shocks as surprises in defense spending and show that they are more precisely identified when defense stock data are used in addition to aggregate macroeconomic...
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cycle, whereas the welfare multiplier (the consumption equivalent change in a measure of aggregate welfare for the same …This paper studies the state-dependence of the output and welfare effects of shocks to government purchases in a … bound, both the output and welfare multipliers are larger and move significantly more across states than under a Taylor rule …
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We analyze whether government spending multipliers differ by the sign of the shock. Using aggregate historical U …, the resulting multipliers do not differ by sign of the shock. Thus, we find no evidence of asymmetry of government …
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countries. For EU countries, at the 1-year frequency percent of shocks to GDP are smoothed via government consumption, 18 …-off between high government deficits in a country and the ability to smooth consumption. We find that in countries where there is … delegation' of power or where fiscal targets are negotiated effectively by coalition members consumption smoothing via government …
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small movements in private consumption. We describe and implement a methodology for assessing whether standard neoclassical … models can account for the consequences of a fiscal policy shock. Simple versions of the neoclassical model can account for … the qualitative effects of a fiscal shock. Once we allow for habit formation and investment adjustment costs, the model …
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demand. Fiscal policy, especially energy price subsidies, can isolate individual energy importers from the shock, but it has …
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