Showing 1 - 10 of 152
learning and policy recommendation in advisory committees. We quantify the effectiveness of advisory panels, and evaluate …
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We provide semiparametric identification results for a broad class of learning models in which continuous outcomes …
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We study a sequential experimentation model with endogenous feedback. Agents choose between a safe and risky action …. Subsidizing disclosure costs can perversely lead to less disclosure but more experimentation …
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maker has learned? The key constraint we impose, which is shared across models of Bayesian learning, is that any learning … Dean 2015) and the NIAS condition (Caplin and Martin 2015) to allow for arbitrary learning. We apply our framework to show … how identification of what was learned can be strengthened with additional assumptions on the form of Bayesian learning …
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An enduring puzzle regarding technology adoption in developing countries is that new technologies often diffuse slowly through the social network. Two of the key predictions of the canonical epidemiological model of technology diffusion are that forums to share information and higher returns to...
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We review select literature on racial and ethnic disparities in retirement outcomes and the impact of outreach on such outcomes. First, there are significant disparities in retirement outcomes, reflecting a long history of racism and structural barriers. Second, there is comparatively little...
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We analyze the offering, asking, and granting of help or other benefits as a three-stage game with bilateral private information between a person in need of help and a potential help-giver. Asking entails the risk of rejection, which can be painful: since unawareness of the need can no longer be...
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household members' beliefs. This direct learning worked similar for men and women. By contrast, for household members who did … not receive information directly, we find striking gender differences in indirect learning. When information was provided …
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We study strategic disclosure timing by correlated firms in the presence of risk-averse investors. Firms delay disclosures in the hope that positively correlated firms will announce especially good news and lift their own price. Risk premia rise before disclosures, drop when disclosures occur,...
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We use minute-by-minute Bloomberg online status microdata during 2017-2021 to directly study how hard and soft information collection affects equity analyst performance. Collection of hard information, proxied by office workday length, is positively associated with the quantity and timeliness of...
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