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Fetal health is an important consideration in the formation of health-based policy. However, a complete census of true fetal deaths is impossible to obtain. We present the gender ratio of live births as an under-exploited metric of fetal health and apply it to examine the effects of air quality...
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steady increase in the surplus of men relative to women. We construct an OLG model with two sexes and a desire to marry. We … show conditions under which an intensified competition in the marriage market can induce men to raise their savings rate …
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-country surveys from 167 countries across the world, two US surveys covering multiple years and a survey for Canada. We find women … score more highly than men on all negative affect measures and lower than men on all but three positive affect metrics …'s Ladder - women are either similar to or 'happier' than men. This finding is insensitive to which controls are included and …
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Can some acts of violence be explained by a society's "culture"? Scholars have found it hard to empirically disentangle the effects of culture, legal institutions, and poverty in driving violence. We address this problem by exploiting a natural experiment offered by the presence of thousands of...
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We study which dimensions of corporate culture are related to a firm's performance and why. We find that proclaimed values appear irrelevant. Yet, when employees perceive top managers as trustworthy and ethical, firm's performance is stronger. We then study how different governance structures...
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Several recent studies have found that earnings inequality in Canada has grown considerably since the late 1970's. Using an extraordinary data base drawn from longitudinal income tax records, we decompose this growth in earnings inequality into its persistent and transitory components. We find...
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Substantial econometric efforts have been devoted to examining the impacts prices and tobacco control policies have on smoking propensity and intensity. However, little is known about the effects prices, smoking restrictions, and other influences have on smoking cessation. This paper uses...
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We examine trends in self-employment among white and black men from 1910 to 1990 using Census and CPS microdata. Self …-employment rates fell over most of the century and then started to rise after 1970. For white men, we find that the decline was due to …-employment. For black men, we find that the self-employment rate remained at a level of roughly one-third the white rate from 1910 to …
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less-educated men. We find that young men, especially young African American men in tight labor markets experienced a boost … in employment and earnings. Adult men had no gains, and their earnings barely changed even in areas with unemployment …
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We examine the possible sources of the larger racial and ethnic wage gaps for men than for women in the U …, industries, and regions, we examine whether these wage differences can be accounted for by differences between men and women in … establishment and job cell. Our results indicate that greater segregation between Hispanic men and white men than between Hispanic …
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