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Tournaments, reward structures based on rank order, are compared with individual contracts in a model with one risk-neutral principal and many risk-averse agents. Each agents' output is a stochastic function of his effort level plus an additive shock term that is common to all the agents. The...
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This paper analyzes compensation schemes which pay according to an individual's ordinal rank in an organization rather than his output level. When workers are risk neutral, it is shown that wages based upon rank induce the same efficient allocation of resources as an incentive reward scheme...
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We study the effect of physician incentives in an HMO network. Physician incentives are controversial because they may … induce doctors to make treatment decisions that differ from those they would chose in the absence of incentives. We set out a … suggestive evidence that financial incentives linked to commonly used quality measures may stimulate an improvement in measured …
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In this paper I summarize four new strands in agency theory that help me think about incentives in real organizations … assessments; incentives for skill development rather than simply for effort; and incentive contracts between versus within …
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. In the presence of career concerns, the optimal compensation contract optimizes total incentives -- the combination of … the implicit incentives from career concerns and the explicit incentives from the compensation contract. Thus, the … explicit incentives from the optimal compensation contract should be strongest when a worker is close to retirement. We find …
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The purpose of this paper is to address the role of endogenous default penalties that are contingent upon the intensity of default on the part of the borrowing nation, and to evaluate the effects of contingency plans that make the interest rate dependent upon variables that are correlated with...
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"--prepaid then clawed back if targets are unmet. We theoretically document that loss framing raises incentives for costly risk …
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This paper examines performance in a tournament setting with different levels of inequality in rewards and different provision of information about individual's skill at the task prior to the tournament. We find that that total tournament output depends on inequality according to an inverse U...
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therefore can generate the right innovation incentives in our model …
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