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rise to a "multiplier." Since such "multipliers" are ignored by firms making investment decisions, privately optimal … investment choices under uncertainty will not in general be socially optimal. Under reasonable conditions, private investment is …
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This paper examines whether agricultural insurance can boost investment by small scale farmers in West Africa. We … impact of insurance on cotton, but, consistent with microeconomic theory, we find significant spillover impacts on investment … that limited its impacts. Overall, this study suggests a promising role of index insurance for stimulating investment, but …
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The empirical analysis in "International R&D Spillovers" (Coe and Helpman, 1995) is first revisited by applying modern panel cointegration estimation techniques to an expanded data set that we have constructed for the purpose of this study. The new estimates confirm the key results reported in...
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I assess the magnitude of human capital spillovers in US cities by estimating plant-level production functions. I use a unique firm worker matched dataset, obtained by combining the Census of Manufacturers with the Census of Population. After controlling for a plant's own human capital, plant...
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Are there productivity spillovers from FDI to domestic firms, and, if so, how much should host countries be willing to pay to attract FDI? To examine these questions we use a plant-level panel covering U.K. manufacturing from 1973 through 1992. Across a wide range of specifications, we estimate...
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This paper is an attempt to assess the existence and magnitude of local research spillovers in France. We rely on the model of an extended production function (Cobb-Douglas and Translog) with both local and neighborhood R&D capital stocks. We estimate this model on 312 employment areas as of...
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This paper examines the importance of financial constraints for firm investment expenditures by looking at the … relationship between investment expenditures and proceeds from voluntary asset sales in financially healthy US manufacturing … companies. Specifically, we examine whether asset sales have a greater influence on investment expenditures for firms that are …
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We estimate and compare the production structures of the US, Japanese, and Korean total manufacturing sectors for the 1974-1990 period. We employ a translog variable cost function that includes such inputs as labor, materials, physical and R&D capital with the physical and R&D capital treated as...
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In this paper we derive a model of aggregate investment that builds from the lumpy microeconomic behavior of firms … aggregate investment obtained from adding up the actions of firms subject to aggregate and idiosyncratic shocks, is highly non … postwar sectoral U.S. manufacturing equipment and structures investment. For a given sequence of aggregate shocks, the …
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strong agglomeration economies in Japanese investment. Two policy variables are consistently shown to influence the location … of investment - foreign trade zones and labor subsidies. We use simulations to explore the impact these policies had on … the geographic distribution of Japanese investment. The simulations reveal that in aggregate promotion programs largely …
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