Showing 1 - 10 of 946
with intra-group risk correlation, which is expected in natural test groupings based on proximity. Third, because optimal … groupings depend on uncertain risk and correlation, we show how better estimates from machine learning can drive large …
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differential covariate classification (DCC). Using this framework, we analyze partial identification of probabilistic predictions …, focusing mainly on differential classification of individuals' race and ethnicity in clinical medicine. We find that bounds on … on classification in public policy and medicine …
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We survey and apply several techniques from the statistical and computer science literature to the problem of demand estimation. We derive novel asymptotic properties for several of these models. To improve out-of-sample prediction accuracy and obtain parametric rates of convergence, we propose...
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, classification has been done manually. If it were possible to combine new computational tools and administrative wage records to …
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While health affects many economic outcomes, its dynamics are still poorly understood. We use k means clustering, a machine learning technique, and data from the Health and Retirement Study to identify health types during middle and old age. We identify five health types: the vigorous resilient,...
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The recent literature on instrumental variables (IV) features models in which agents sort into treatment status on the basis of gains from treatment as well as on baseline-pretreatment levels. Components of the gains known to the agents and acted on by them may not be known by the observing...
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The PPP puzzle is based on empirical evidence that international price differences for individual goods (LOOP) or baskets of goods (PPP) appear highly persistent or even non-stationary. The present consensus is these price differences have a half-life that is of the order of five years at best,...
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Volatility tests are an alternative to regression tests for evaluating the joint null hypothesis of market efficiency and risk neutrality. Acomparison of the power of the two kinds of tests depends on what the alternative hypothesis is taken to be. By considering tests based on conditional...
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Many empirical questions can be cast as inference on a parameter selected through optimization. For example, researchers may be interested in the effectiveness of the best policy found in a randomized trial, or the best-performing investment strategy based on historical data. Such settings give...
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School systems regularly use student assessments for accountability purposes. But, as highlighted by our conceptual model, different configurations of assessment usage generate performance-conducive incentives of different strengths for different stakeholders in different school environments. We...
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