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We use data on Indian stock portfolios to show that return heterogeneity is the primary contributor to increasing inequality of wealth held in risky assets by Indian individual investors. Return heterogeneity increases equity wealth inequality through two main channels, both of which are related...
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high frequency price movements in the stock market. In fact, we know of no framework that can satisfactorily account for …
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Economists have traditionally viewed futures prices as fully informative about future economic activity and asset prices. We argue that open interest could be more informative than futures prices in the presence of hedging demand and limited risk absorption capacity in futures markets. We find...
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a large empirical literature from the 1950's and 60's, that it is necessary to distinguish the response of price to an … two models that can potentially explain these findings. Both break the link between price and marginal cost, thereby … second is driven by firms pricing to limit non-price competition within their market …
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The well-known option pricing formula of Black and Scholes depends upon the assumption that price fluctuations are log … be more nearly the case in most markets, price fluctuations are in fact symmetrics table or log-symmetric stable. This … generating log-normal price uncertainty. It is then used to derive the value of a short-lived option for certain processes that …
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and relative price informativeness in dynamic environments with rich heterogeneity across investors (regarding signals … and non-stationary asset payoffs. We implement our methodology empirically, finding stock-specific measures of price … informativeness for U.S. stocks. We find a right-skewed distribution of price informativeness, measured in the form of the Kalman gain …
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transitory neutral technology shocks. When calibrated to the capital price observations, the model does well at accounting for …
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belonging to both merging parties, as well as (one or more) \common insurers" with which price and network status is negotiated …) experience price increases of 7-10 percent relative to control hospitals, while hospitals gaining system members out …-of-state exhibit no statistically significant changes in price. The former group are likelier to share common customers and insurers …
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. This evidence is consistent with more efficient price discovery at the individual security level. A common conjecture by …
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This paper specifies and estimates a structural dynamic stochastic model of the way individuals make retirement and saving choices in an uncertain world, and applies that model to analyze the effects of the stock market bubble on retirement behavior. The model includes individual variation both...
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