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We study existence, uniqueness and stability of solutions for a class of discrete time recursive utilities models. By combining two streams of the recent literature on recursive preferences - one that analyzes principal eigenvalues of valuation operators and another that exploits the theory of...
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durable goods. We show that consumers' utility and discount functions in a dynamic discrete choice model are jointly … identified using data generated by this specific design. In contrast, based on revealed preference data, the utility and discount …
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Exchange rates depreciate by the difference between the domestic and foreign marginal utility growths. Exchange rates … vary a lot , as much as 10% per year. However, equity premia imply that marginal utility growths vary much more, by at … least 50% per year. This means that marginal utility growths must be highly correlated across countries -- international …
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US. There are two potential explanations. First, Europeans prefer more equal societies (inequality belongs in the utility …
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The public at large, many policymakers, and some economists hold views of social welfare that attach some importance to factors other than individuals' utilities. This note shows that any such non-individualistic notion of social welfare conflicts with the Pareto principle
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income. Stratification and sorting often manifest state-dependent preferences in which the marginal utility of income … before location is chosen, the a priori von Neuman-Morgenstern utility function over both choices can take the Friedman …
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This paper studies household asset demands by allowing certain assets to contribute directly to utility. It estimates … the parameters of an aggregate utility function which includes both consumption and liquidity services.These liquidity …
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The Stone-Geary utility function defined over an index of goods, the leisure of the husband, and the leisure of the … wife is used to derive the earnings functions of the husband and the wife. The parameters of the utility function are … problems. The effect of family composition on utility is estimated by specifying and estimating adult equivalents in …
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' choices. Because social recognition generates utility from esteem to some but disutility from shame to others, it can be … either positive-sum, zero-sum, or negative-sum. This depends on whether the social recognition utility function is convex … find that the social recognition utility function is significantly concave and thus generates deadweight loss. If our …
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present paper evaluates these approaches, comparing the CES gains to those obtained using a quadratic utility function using … than those obtained using the quadratic utility function …
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