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nominal price stickiness. In order to obtain this result, we need very large real rigidities either in the form of a huge … discuss how this assumption can help to reduce the estimated nominal price stickiness. Furthermore, we show that a Taylor …
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We develop a utility based model of fluctuations, with nominal rigidities, and unemployment. In doing so, we combine … two strands of research: the New Keynesian model with its focus on nominal rigidities, and the Diamond … first leave nominal rigidities aside. We show that, under a standard utility specification, productivity shocks have no …
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and intermediate goods and imperfect pass-through in these sectors. Sticky nominal prices and wages are modeled in a Calvo …
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distributions below the median. Indeed, we find evidence of both downward nominal and real wage rigidities. We also find that the …
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productivity shocks and second, in a fully specified monetary DSGE model with various real and nominal rigidities and multiple …In this paper, we propose a search and matching model with nominal stickiness à la Calvo in the wage bargaining. We … analyze the properties of the model, first, in the context of a typical real business cycle model driven by stochastic …
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This paper evaluates the extent of downward nominal and real wage rigidity for different categories of workers and … very low nominal wage rigidity, consistent with the Belgian wage formation system of full indexation. Real rigidity is … in Belgium over the period 1990-2002. Our results show that Belgium is characterised by strong real wage rigidity and …
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composition, competition, technology and wage-bargaining institutions. We adopt the measure of downward real wage rigidity (DRWR …
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Using firm-level data for Belgium over the period 1997-2005, we evaluate the elasticity of firms' labour and real …, consistent with real wage rigidity. Second, while the elasticity of average labour compensation to idiosyncratic firm-level TFP …
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We consider a model with frictional unemployment and staggered wage bargaining where hours worked are negotiated for each period. The workers' bargaining power in the working time negotiations affects both unemployment volatility and inflation persistence. The closer to zero this parameter, (i)...
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on-the-job and endogenous job separation. We find that most specifications imply too little real rigidity and, so, too …
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