Showing 1 - 10 of 13
A new package called -adolist- is presented. -adolist- is a tool to create, install and uninstall lists of user ado packages ("adolists"). For example, -adolist- can create a list of all user packages installed on a system and then install the same packages on another system. Moreover, -adolist-...
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The ultimate goal of most non-market valuation studies is to obtain welfare measures i.e. mean and/or median willingness to pay (WTP) and confidence intervals. While the delta (nlcom) and bootstrap (bs) methods can be used for constructing such confidence intervals in Stata, they are not...
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This presentation will demonstrate how to perform diagnostic meta-analysis using midas , a user-written macro. midas is is comprehensive program of statistical and graphical routines for undertaking meta-analysis of diagnostic test performance in Stata. Primary data synthesis is performed within...
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We develop packages to support computation of historical decompositions in (S)VAR models in Stata, and to extend the estimation of impulse response functions. Specifically, we compute cumulative structural impulse responses, which are useful for SVAR models that rely on long-run restrictions....
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Elliott and Jansson developed a powerful test for unit roots, published in Journal of Econometrics (2003), extending the Elliott-Rothenberg-Stock test (dfgls) by adding stationary covariates. I will discuss and demonstrate a Stata implementation of the test. Elliott and Müller's Review of...
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Postestimation processing and formatting of statistical results for input into document tables are tasks that most of us have to do. However, processing results by hand can be tedious, and is prone to error. There are therefore many benefits to automating these tasks while at the same time...
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In the last decade, a sea change has occurred in the organization of introductory statistics courses. The mantra of "more data, less lecture" is widely repeated while active learning opportunities receive increasing focus. At Smith College, a small liberal arts college, a number of introductory...
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Mixed-effects models contain both fixed and random effects. The fixed effects are analogous to standard regression coefficients and are estimated directly. The random effects are not directly estimated but instead are summarized according to their estimated variances and covariances, known as...
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This presentation will review quasi-Monte Carlo methods (Halton sequences) and their applications in resampling inference. The two major applications are the bootstrap procedures where QMC methods allow to achieve stability close to that of the balanced bootstrap, and the complex survey variance...
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Record linkage involves attempting match records from two different data files that do not share a unique and reliable key field. It can be a tedious and challenging task when working with multiple administrative databases where one wants to match subjects using names, addresses and other...
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