Showing 1 - 10 of 38
This paper reports on the construction of an Input-Output table for the economy of Morocco. The table is calibrated to the year 1990 and details the interactions between 133 primary, manufacturing, and service sectors, relying on a combination of a more aggregate table estimated by the Moroccan...
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A partir d’un modèle dynamique d’équilibre général appliqué au Costa Rica, les auteurs analysent les liens entre l’environnement, le commerce international et la croissance économique. Leur étude envisage les conséquences des politiques commerciales et environnementales sur...
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With the aid of a computable general equilibrium model, this paper estimates for India the magnitude of spillovers from limiting growth of greenhouse gas emissions to local air quality and the health of the urban population. The most important spillovers are reductions in emissions of...
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Analyses of responses to reforms in Ghana seem to indicate that current policies may be benefiting different segments of society disproportionately. Also, experience in the 1990s suggests that recurring budget deficits may adversely affect reform and poverty alleviation programmes. The aim of...
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Assessing the final impact of globalisation on poverty is a difficult task: <I>i) </I> globalisation affects poverty through numerous channels; <I>ii)</I> some linkages are positive and some are negative and therefore cannot be analysed qualitatively but require quantitative assessments, i.e. formal numerical...</i></i>
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This technical paper presents the complete technical specification of the current version of the RE-GEM (<I>R</I>egional and <I>E</I>nvironmental <I>G</I>eneral <I>E</I>quilibrium <I>M</I>odel) for India. The document lists all the key structural and behavioural equations, providing a justification for the chosen model...</i></i></i></i></i>
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The quest for large numbers has been going on for some time in international trade economics: models of trade liberalisation have consistently produced results that, compared <I>ex post</I> with real world data, show the right sign but the “wrong” magnitudes. This paper proposes a new approach by...</i>
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Globalisation, governance and economic performance affect each other in very complex mutual relationships. In this paper, we establish a clear and well-circumscribed hypothesis: “is there an effect of globalisation <I>on</I> governance?” To test this hypothesis or, even more specifically, to test...</i>
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The growing economic fissures in the societies of Europe and Central Asia between generations, between insiders and outsiders in the labor market, between rural and urban communities, and between the super-rich and everyone else, are threatening the sustainability of the social contract. The...
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