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The aim of this article is to provide a systematic analysis of the conditions such that Fourier transform valuation formulas are valid in a general framework; i.e. when the option has an arbitrary payoff function and depends on the path of the asset price process. An interplay between the...
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This paper considers the valuation of exotic path-dependent options in L\'evy models, in particular options on the supremum and the infimum of the asset price process. Using the Wiener--Hopf factorization, we derive expressions for the analytically extended characteristic function of the...
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The duality principle in option pricing aims at simplifying valuation problems that depend on several variables by associating them to the corresponding dual option pricing problem. Here, we analyze the duality principle for options that depend on several assets. The asset price processes are...
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The goal of this paper is to specify dynamic term structure models with discrete tenor structure for credit portfolios in a top-down setting driven by time-inhomogeneous L\'evy processes. We provide a new framework, conditions for absence of arbitrage, explicit examples, an affine setup which...
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The Wiener-Hopf factorization is obtained in closed form for a phase type approximation to the CGMY L\'{e}vy process. This allows, for the approximation, exact computation of first passage times to barrier levels via Laplace transform inversion. Calibration of the CGMY model to market option...
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A distorted expectation is a Choquet expectation with respect to the capacity induced by a concave probability distortion. Distorted expectations are encountered in various static settings, in risk theory, mathematical finance and mathematical economics. There are a number of different ways to...
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We propose a new procedure for the risk measurement of large portfolios. It employs the following objects as the building blocks: - coherent risk measures introduced by Artzner, Delbaen, Eber, and Heath; - factor risk measures introduced in this paper, which assess the risks driven by particular...
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The paper has 2 main goals: 1. We propose a variant of the CAPM based on coherent risk. 2. In addition to the real-world measure and the risk-neutral measure, we propose the third one: the extreme measure. The introduction of this measure provides a powerful tool for investigating the relation...
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We propose a pricing technique based on coherent risk measures, which enables one to get finer price intervals than in the No Good Deals pricing. The main idea consists in splitting a liability into several parts and selling these parts to different agents. The technique is closely connected...
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