Showing 1 - 10 of 415
We give a simple example to the non-existence of duopoly equilibrium in pure strategies in an economy with two goods and two types of consumers.
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We establish, in infinite dimensional Banach space, a nonconvex separation property for general closed sets that is an extension of Hahn-Banach separation theorem. We provide some consequences in optimization, in particular the existence of singular multipliers and show the relation of our...
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The set of equilibrium prices in linear exchange economies is by Mertens (1996) a convex polyhedral cone (after adding {0}). We give a constructive proof of this fact. From this, we derive a lower semi-continuity property of the equilibrium price correspondence. The set of equilibrium...
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A hierarchic price is a finite ordered family of price vectors {p1,...,pk}. It extends the notion of exchange values proposed by Gay (1978). These price notions were introduced in order to establish the existence of a competitive equilibrium without the strong survival assumption. It is well...
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Without a survival assumption, a Walras equilibrium may not exist in the Arrow-Debreu model. The quasi equilibrium is an auxiliary equilibrium concept which exists without the survival assumption. Several notions of irreducibility were introduced in the literature in order to allow for weakening...
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The standard equivalence result on core and Walras equilibrium allocations uses a non-satiation and an interiority assumption. Konovalov introduced the rejective core for exchange economies with possibly satiated preferences and proved that there, the fuzzy rejective core coincides with the set...
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Depuis l'article de Guesnerie (1975), de nombreuses recherches ont ete faites dans le cadre de la theorie de l'equilibre general en economie lorsque le secteur productif presente des rendements croissants ou plus generalement des ensembles de production non convexes. Dans cet article, nous nous...
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L'objectif de ce papier est, en premier lieu, d'analyser la dynamique induite par des chocs fiscaux dans un modele d'equilibre general intertemporel stochastique dans lequel l'hypothese d'equivalence ricardienne n'est pas verifiee (l'horizon des agents etant plus court que celui du...
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We present a simple and direct proof for a nonlinear Leray-Schauder type alternative for a large class of condensing or compact set-valued maps, containing convex as well as nonconvex valued maps.
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Notre reflexion dans ce papier concerne la relation entre les IDE, le capital humain et la croissance dans les pays en cours d'industrialisation. Ces pays hotes multiplient les politiques incitatives d'investissements, afin de beneficier le plus possibles des retombees positives des...
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