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We investigate the tunneling–percolation mechanism of DC transport nonuniversality for conducting particles of diameter … distribution function has a power-law divergence as g→0, leading to nonuniversal values of the transport exponent. Instead, finite … restricted to a very narrow region around the critical percolation threshold so that, for all practical purposes, DC transport …
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We present the results of a first exploratory survey of chaotic hamiltonian pumps, constructed as ratchets of finite extension. Two simple models are studied, composed of single or double square potential wells subject to a two-parameter driving that acts on the depth or the position of the...
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We study the thermopower, thermal conductance, electric conductance and the thermoelectric figure of merit for a gate-defined T-shaped single quantum dot (QD). The QD is solved in the limit of strong Coulombian repulsion U→∞, inside the dot, and the quantum wire is modeled on a tight-binding...
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Within a tight-binding Hamiltonian approach, we study the dynamics of one-electron wave packets in a twisted ladder geometry with adiabatic electron–phonon interaction. The electron–phonon coupling is taken into account in the time-dependent Schrödinger equation through a cubic...
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the purpose of evaluating the consequences of transport of these components. As a consequence, spatial distributions are …
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The motion of a heavily damped Brownian particle which has an internal degree of freedom is considered. Directed motion of the Brownian particle is generated by external action which acts only on the internal degree of freedom. For a simple case that the internal degree of freedom is rotated...
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The forced and overdamped motion of non-interacting particles in a periodic asymmetric potential is studied. The analysis is focused on synchronization of the motion of the particles with the external sinusoidal driving force. Two cases are considered: a perfect lattice without disorder and a...
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Exact numerical solution of the electrostatic disordered potential problem is carried out for four fully discretized three-dimensional experimental reconstructions of sedimentary rocks. The measured effective macroscopic dielectric constants and electrical conductivities are compared with...
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We propose a 2-d computational model system comprising a mixture of spheres and the objects of some other shapes, interacting via the Lennard–Jones potential. We propose a reliable and efficient numerical algorithm to obtain void statistics. The void distribution, in turn, determines the...
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A theory for the propagation of light through a randomly scattering slab is developed that does not take advantage of a diffusion approximation but can be solved analytically. The treatment allows for scattering anisotropy and boundary reflectivity to be incorporated in a straightforward fashion...
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