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We analyze fluctuating observables of high-dimensional systems as the New York Stock Market S&P 500 index, the amino-acid sequence in the M. genitalium DNA, the maximum temperature of the San Francisco Bay area, and the toroidal magneto plasma potential. The probability measures of these...
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The relaxation behavior of glass is of great scientific and technological importance. However, prediction of glass relaxation behavior using direct first principles techniques is currently infeasible for realistic laboratory time scales. The enthalpy landscape approach has proven to be...
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A modified van der Pol oscillator model was designed in order to reproduce the time series of the action potential generated by a natural pacemaker of the heart (i.e., the SA or the AV node). The main motivation was that the models published up to now were not altogether adequate for research on...
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An interacting lattice gas model is used to study flow of immiscible components A and B (molecular weights MA and MB,MA<MB) by Monte Carlo simulations. Concentration gradients and hydrostatic pressure bias (H) drive these constituents from their source at the bottom against gravitational sedimentation in an effective medium. Response of their flux densities (jA,jB) to the hydrostatic bias H are examined. If both constituents are released with equal probabilities (a non-interacting source), their flux densities respond linearly to bias with jA>jB except at the extreme bias H→1 where jA→jB. Flow response becomes complex if the constituents from their source are released according to their current lattice...</mb)>
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, little or no attention has been payed to the mechanism of assortativity in modeling these networks. Inspired by individuals …
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The empirical relationship between the return of an asset and the volatility of the asset has been well documented in the financial literature. Named the leverage effect or sometimes risk-premium effect, it is observed in real data that, when the return of the asset decreases, the volatility...
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Analytical expression for modeling water adsorption isotherms of food or agricultural products is developed using the …
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Two huge blackouts, occurred separately on 30 and 31 July 2012 in India, spread over half the country when three of its five regional grids collapsed, leaving hundreds of millions of people without government-supplied electricity and ringing once again alarm bells with security problems in...
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the returns are modeled by the first Poincaré return time of a low-dimensional chaotic trajectory. This modeling, which …
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Protein activities may exhibit oscillations which often occur due to the existence of a negative feedback loop with an effective time delay. Many biological systems are, however, not limited to one feedback loop but consist of multiple loops on different regulatory levels. Here, we analyze the...
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