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We develop a model for the evolution of economic entities within a geographical type of framework. On a square symmetry lattice made of three (economic) regions, firms, described by a scalar fitness, are allowed to move, adapt, merge or create spin-offs under predetermined rules, in a space- and...
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In order to explore further the underlying mechanism of scale-free networks, we study stochastic secession as a mechanism for the creation of complex networks. In this evolution the network growth incorporates the addition of new nodes, the addition of new links between existing nodes, the...
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We study network growth from a fixed set of initially isolated nodes placed at random on the surface of a sphere. The growth mechanism we use adds edges to the network depending on strictly local gain and cost criteria. Only nodes that are not too far apart on the sphere may be considered for...
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We study the growth of networks from a set of isolated ground nodes by the addition of one new node per time step and also of a fixed number of directed edges leading from the new node to randomly selected nodes already in the network. A fixed-width time window is used so that, in general, only...
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In this investigation, we examine the univariate as well as the multivariate capabilities of the log-periodic [super-exponential] power law (LPPL) for the prediction of bank runs. The research is built upon daily CDS spreads of 40 international banks for the period from June 2007 to March 2010,...
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Punctuated Equilibrium (PE) states that after long periods of evolutionary quiescence, species evolution can take place in short time intervals, where sudden differentiation makes new species emerge and some species extinct. In this paper, we introduce and study the effect of punctuated...
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The prisoner's dilemma (PD) deals with the behavior conflict between two agents, who can either cooperate (cooperators) or defect. If both agents cooperate (defect), they have a unitary (null) payoff. Otherwise the payoff is T for the defector and null for the cooperator. The temptation T to...
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The Euro (EUR) is a new currency introduced by the European Community. Its exchange rate is very puzzling. We have invented a false Euro (FEUR) dating back to 1993 and have derived the exchange rates of the FEUR with respect to currencies not belonging to the EUR, i.e., DKK,CHF,JPY and USD. This...
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Properties of the self-adjusted Monte Carlo algorithm applied to 2d Ising ferromagnet are studied numerically. The endogenous feedback form expressed in terms of the instant running averages is suggested in order to generate a biased random walk of the temperature that converges to criticality...
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We compute the analytic expression of the probability distributions FAEX,+ and FAEX,− of the normalized positive and negative AEX (Netherlands) index daily returns r(t). Furthermore, we define the α re-scaled AEX daily index positive returns r(t)α and negative returns (−r(t))α, which we...
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