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prediction of earthquake magnitudes. …
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A variety of studies have modeled the physics of material deformation and damage as examples of generalized phase …-range interactions and recurrent damage that is parameterized by a process of damage and partial healing during sliding. We introduce a …
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We discuss the progressive damage of an heterogeneous interface modelled through a fiber bundle with random strength … damageable interface gives rise to a cascade of bifurcations associated to the progressive concentration of damage activity of a …
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Recognizing the tsunamigenic potential of an earthquake presents a challenge in the context of studies devoted to early …
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In this paper, we analyze the irregular behavior of earthquake ground motion as recorded during the Kraljevo M5 ….4 earthquake, which occurred on November 3rd, 2010 in Serbia. We perform the analysis for the ground accelerations recorded at 6 … assumed deterministically chaotic nature of earthquake ground motion. …
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The spatial and temporal distributions between successive earthquakes are treated in the framework of nonextensive statistical mechanics. We find temporal distributions exhibit the power law behavior; q-exponential with q1. It means the earthquakes are strongly correlated in time. The spatial...
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Evaluating complex fluctuations in geoelectric time series is an important task not only for earthquake prediction but … also for understanding complex processes related to earthquake preparation. Previous studies have reported alterations …, such as the emergence of correlated dynamics in geoelectric potentials prior to an important earthquake (EQ). However, the …
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about the universal features of the earthquake phenomenon. In addition, we can determine new indices for identification of … regions geophysically. It was found that earthquake networks are scale free and its degree distribution obeys the power law …. Phys. J. B (2012) 85: 23; that the topological characteristics of earthquake networks are dependent on each other for large …
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The Weibull distribution is often used to model the earthquake interevent times distribution (ITD). We propose a link … between the earthquake ITD on single faults with the Earth’s crustal shear strength distribution by means of a …
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Surface latent heat flux (SLHF) has been associated with the study of natural hazards, such as earthquakes and hurricanes and has been proposed as a useful quantity in the prediction and monitoring of their evolution. In the present study the Mediterranean Sea, parts of Europe, Africa and Turkey...
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