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This study introduces the constrained forms of the Shannon information entropy and Kullback–Leibler cross-entropy functions. Applicable to a closed system, these functions incorporate the constraints on the system in a generic fashion, irrespective of the form or even the number of the...
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We introduce a new kind of Information Theory. From a finite number of local, noisy comparisons, we want to design a robust filter such that the outcome is a high ranking number. Both analytical and numerical results are encouraging and we believe our toy model has wide ranging implications in...
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A recent attempt to extend Shannon's source coding theorem with a nonadditive information content is briefly reviewed. The information entropy used here is a modified form of Tsallis entropy (Tsallis entropy divided by the factor ∑ipiq). In addition we refer to some relations which can be...
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Many networks are characterized by highly heterogeneous distributions of links which are called scale-free networks, and the degree distributions follow p(k)∼ck-α. We study the robustness of scale-free networks to random failures from the character of their heterogeneity. Entropy of the...
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We present an overview of information theory approach (both in its extensive and nonextensive versions) applied to high-energy multiparticle production processes. It will be illustrated by analysis of single-particle distributions measured in proton–proton, proton–antiproton and nuclear...
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We investigate the classical limit of the dynamics of a semiclassical system that represents the interaction between matter and a given field. The concept of Fisher Information measure (F) on using as a quantifier of the process, we find that it adequately describes the transition, detecting the...
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We use the formalism of “maximum principle of Shannon's entropy” to derive the general power law distribution function, using what seems to be a reasonable physical assumption, namely, the demand of a constant mean “internal order” (Boltzmann entropy) of a complex, self-interacting,...
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We construct a metric measure among weight matrices that are commonly used in non-interacting statistical physics systems, computational biology problems, as well as in general applications such as hidden Markov models. The metric distance between two weight matrices is obtained via aligning the...
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We highlight the potentiality of a special Information Theory (IT) approach in order to unravel the intricacies of nonlinear dynamics, the methodology being illustrated with reference to the logistic map. A rather surprising dynamic feature→plane-topography map becomes available.
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The internal disorder of a D-dimensional hydrogenic system, which is strongly associated to the non-uniformity of the quantum-mechanical density of its physical states, is investigated by means of the shape complexity in the two reciprocal spaces. This quantity, which is the product of the...
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