Showing 1 - 10 of 21
A one-loop renormalization group treatment is used to investigate the quantum phase transition and the low-temperature critical properties of a planar Heisenberg ferromagnet in a transverse field. The phase diagram, the free energy density and the relevant critical exponents in the influence...
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We investigate the role played by symmetry conserving quenched disorder on quantum criticality of a variety of d-dimensional systems with a continuous symmetry order parameter. We employ a non-standard procedure which combines a preliminary reduction to an effective classical random problem and...
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The two-time Green’s function equation of motion method is employed to explore the low-temperature properties and crossovers close to the field-induced quantum critical point of a d-dimensional spin- 1/2 easy-plane ferromagnet with longitudinal uniform interactions. This is performed, on the...
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A study of the d-dimensional classical Heisenberg ferromagnetic model in the presence of a magnetic field is performed within the two-time Green function’s framework in classical statistical physics. We extend the well known quantum Callen method to derive analytically a new formula for...
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The low-temperature properties and crossover phenomena of d-dimensional transverse Ising-like systems within the influence domain of the quantum critical point are investigated solving the appropriate one-loop renormalization group equations. The phase diagram is obtained near and at d=3 and...
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A reduction procedure, suggested for classical systems some years ago, is extended to systems with quantum-phase transitions with the aim to generate exactly solvable models capturing fluctuation effects beyond the mean field approximation. For the reduced isotropic m-vector quantum models, an...
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A method for exploring the destruction of long-range order in pure classical systems with continous symmetry is extended to quantum ferroelectrics in the presence of correlated random fields. This allows us to obtain a reliable estimate of the lower critical dimensionality in terms of the...
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The p-spin interaction Ising spin glass model in the presence of a transverse field is studied in the large p-limit by means of a convenient operator extension of the cavity fields method avoiding replicas and the Trotter-Suzuki transformation. The results appear quite consistent with those...
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A d-dimensional model of multicomponent interacting bosons with spin S and a magnetic moment in the presence of a magnetic field H is studied by means of a large-n limit treatment and a renormalization group approach, in the spirit of critical phenomena theory. Magnetic phase transitions and a...
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The low temperature grand canonical critical properties of a d-dimensional n-vector Bose system in the presence of a random field, which behaves like [h∗khk]av ∽ kθ (θ ⩾ 0), are investigated with the use of replica trick and the Hartree approximation. With a boson free particle spectrum,...
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