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We examine the long-time behaviour of A + B(static) → 0 reaction-diffusion systems with initially separated species A and B. All of our analysis is carried out for arbitrary (positive) values of the diffusion constant DA of particles A and initial concentrations a0 and b0 of A's and B's. We...
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produce density-dependent segregation of large objects, through a buoyancy force. A criterion for the onset of fluidization …
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We present a hydrodynamic theoretical model for “Brazil nut” size segregation in granular materials. We give analytical … propose a new mechanism for this particle size-segregation due to buoyant forces caused by density variations which come from …
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We present a numerical study of the flow segregation problem in bidimensional piles. To simulate the pile formation, we … and the size ratio between them. The different segregation patterns arising after the pile is finished are studied by … analyzing the spatial distribution of the grains. Two different segregation indices are defined and evaluated over the piles …
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Assuming the aggregates of a single chiral component as a pure phase, chiral segregation can be considered as a … segregation can be considered as phase equilibrium. The standard mechanism to understand phase equilibrium considers the complete … effect that repulsions and attractions have on chiral segregation we study a two-dimensional model, bent hard needles model …
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We study the statistical mechanical conditions under which segregation of racemic mixtures of chiral molecules is … pure and racemic systems. We find that for this simple model segregation is generally possible in the very high density …
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During experiments carried out several years ago to grow dendritic crystals while they are levitated in a tube containing rotating supersaturated solution, a curious banding process was observed, in which the crystals were seen to accumulate preferentially in periodic positions within the tube....
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The scattering and critical properties of weakly charged ramified polymeric systems for any arbitrary topology are investigated by using the random phase approximation. The interaction matrix is modeled as the sum of the short-range excluded volume matrix and the long-range Debye–Hûckel...
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to segregate. We focus here on the segregation that occurs in the cross-section of the cylinder using short cylinders … first. Results of experimental and modelling studies of segregation are reviewed for density-induced radial segregation of … equal sized particles, and size-induced radial streak formation. Experimental results for size-induced radial segregation …
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A hybrid computer simulation is used to study the effect of heterogeneous matrix density (pb) on the segregation and … external field. Size of molecular aggregates is found to increase with the matrix density, a polymerization-induced segregation …
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