Showing 1 - 10 of 144
The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has halted economic activity worldwide, hurting firms and pushing them toward …
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As COVID-19 continues to wreak havoc across the world, researchers are attempting to quantify the economic fallout from the pandemic as it continues to unfold. Estimating the economic impacts of a prevailing pandemic is fraught with uncertainties about the epidemiology of the disease and the...
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This paper examines cross-country evidence of how the Covid-19 pandemic spread and the mortality rates associated with preexisting vulnerabilities, the government's mobility restriction policy, institutions (democracy), and culture (individualistic culture and trust). Preexisting vulnerabilities...
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How can the world reach herd immunity against COVID-19 before the second anniversary of the pandemic, or March 2022? A study of vaccine demand and supply answers this question. A target of vaccinating 60 percent of the population in each country by March 2022 is likely sufficient to achieve...
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This paper analyzes the reopening process of countries in Europe and Central Asia after the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic and provides evidence on the effects of different reopening trajectories and their timing and speed on economic recovery. The analysis indicates that countries that...
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coronavirus containment measures in reducing contagion and death rates. To estimate the effectiveness of different containment … coronavirus containment measures and contagion/death rates, countries' idiosyncratic characteristics, and the endogeneity of the … containment measures. To obtain efficient estimates of the effect of coronavirus containment measures on contagion and death rates …
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This paper presents new high-frequency data on trade policy changes targeting medical and food products since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, documenting how countries used trade policy instruments in response to the health crisis on a week-by-week basis. The data set reveals a rapid...
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This paper studies the trade effects of Covid-19 using monthly disaggregated trade data for 28 countries and multiple trading partners from the beginning of the pandemic to June 2020. Regression results based on a sector-level gravity model show that the negative trade effects induced by...
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The paper uses Google mobility data to identify the determinants of social distancing during the 2020 COVID-19 outbreak. The findings for the United States indicate that much of the decrease in mobility is voluntary, driven by the number of COVID-19 cases and proxying for greater awareness of...
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The size of the economic shocks triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic and the effects of the associated non-pharmaceutical interventions have not been fully assessed, because the official economic indicators have not been published. This paper provides estimates of the economic impacts of the...
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