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Among the problems involved in comparing economic indices of different countries, the problem of working out a scientific methodology for international comparison of national incomes and price levels has become especially pressing. Since the index of national income is a single overall index of...
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An interesting discussion between two prominent Western sovietologistsâ V[ladimir] Treml and Mfichael] Ellmansup1/supâtouched on important factors responsible for the collapse of the Soviet economic system. Less attention was devoted to another timely question, namely, 'the kind of policy that...
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As far back as prewar times, serious Western scholars were skeptical of official Soviet statistical publications and made their own calculations. The works of K. Clark, A. Bergson, N. Jasny, W. Nutter, M. Harrison, and others won world renown and recognition. Scholars sharply criticized Soviet...
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The question of comparing the national incomes of the USSR and the US assumes great significance in the period when the USSR has entered the decisive stage of economic competition with capitalism. The national income is the most important synthetic index of a country's economic power, standard...
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The Soviet public is currently discussing the proposals made by N. S. Khrushchev, Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers, concerning the fundamental principles of national economic planning, as well as his speech at the June Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee. His proposals, which are aimed...
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The December 1969 Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee decisively emphasized that an increase in the effectiveness of production, based on comprehensive utilization of intensive factors of economic growth, is an urgent task, both economically and politically, for the further development of our...
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