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In our troubled time, all thinking Russia is agonizingly searching for the answer to the fundamental question: what lies ahead of us? Some dream of returning to "the Russia we have lost"; others yearn to immerse themselves in Brezhnevian somnolence; still others are seriously measuring the model...
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The article connects the current global economic crisis with the end of the Kondratiev long wave and entry into a new wave. Neoliberal prescriptions for such transformations and further economic functioning are already out of date. According to the authors, neither the monetarist nor the...
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The knowledge of economic reality presupposes its modeling in the form of an appropriate abstract system. We will be unable to find a way of rationally understanding reality unless we picture it in the form of a corresponding logical structure based on existing theory. In this connection, we...
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The social management mechanism that formed with the aim of forcibly industrializing the nation began to exert an increasingly negative impact on the course of reproduction in the postindustr-ial economy. The principal manifestation of mis influence was the progressive deceleration of the...
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N.A. Berdiaev once called communists' hatred of capitalism their main weakness. In so doing, the philosopher was not at all defending capitalism. He believed that hatredâ"enamored hatred of the past"âkept people in the thrall of the past: "A person who is consumed with hatred cannot look...
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No one has any doubts concerning the diagnosis of the illness that afflicts our country and other socialist countries today. It is the title of this article. The main thing now is how to cure the illness.
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The draft of the new CPSU Program emphasizes the need for the complete and effective use of the entire arsenal of economic levers and stimuli. In connection therewith, the need arises in particular to improve financial-credit relations, the organizational basis for which was set forth in the...
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The article by J. Stiglitzsup1/sup was devoted to a critical analysis of the practices and ideology of reforming the Eastern European, and first and foremost Russian, economies, and only in passing answers the title questionâwhither the reforms? The forecast estimates and practical...
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