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hedonic models of housing price. It handles interactions between geographical factors and the marginal contribution of each … spatial statistics to define principal components of accessibility and socio‐economic census related to transaction prices of … single‐family homes. An application to the housing market of the Quebec Urban Community (more than 3,600 bungalows transacted …
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Investigates primarily the role of interest rates on housing prices from expectation perspectives. It quantifies the … impact of interest rates on price movements from 1981 to 2001 in Hong Kong. The principal finding is that housing prices … linked to higher housing prices until 1997, thereafter, such inverse relationship appears to be non‐existent. The impact of …
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In published work on hedonic house price estimation it is not uncommon to examine some of the conditions required for the estimators to have desirable properties such as minimum variance and unbiasedness, in particular spatial autocorrelation. However, other conditions that can give rise to...
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modeled as an ARIMA (1, 1, 0) model with corresponding dummy variables. This suggests that housing prices may be characterized …Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the nature of Singapore's private housing market with respect to its … Singapore private housing market using the integrated autoregressive‐moving average modeling coupled with outlier detection and …
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, the green effects of balconies on the prices of residential properties, and the effect of security concerns on balconies … situated on lower floors. A sample of transactions in a private housing estate in Hong Kong has been studied. The sample … irrespective of the quality of the view. The negative effects of air and noise pollution on property prices are also found to be …
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are extremely rare in Hong Kong. The paper illustrates how, in times of moderate economic conditions and housing prices …Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the behavior of buyers and sellers in making housing decision and … analyses the mechanisms of the seller‐buyer interaction affecting house sale prices. Design/methodology/approach – The research …
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estate prices, few of those papers have noted one of the most important advantages of the housing market, its defensiveness … movement may account for the defensiveness of the housing market. Design/methodology/approach – First the UK nation‐wide house … variance equations to estimate the conditional heteroscedasticity volatilities of the returns of house prices are selected …
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period are examined by statistical analyses as well as spatial observations using a GIS platform. Findings – Land prices in … this city are not entirely open and the so‐called market prices are largely price levels agreed between the private …/implications – The analyses of market land prices in Beijing in this paper show, however, that land prices do follow generally market …
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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to construct a hedonic property price index in the segmented housing market … separate local housing markets, with the use of a regression‐tree approach, and the second concerns when it is possible to … sub‐markets where the property prices grow differently. The results suggest that there exist at least five different price …
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the real versus perceived impacts of an HVOTL on proximate house prices. Findings – The results, whilst providing …
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