Showing 1 - 10 of 17
We extend the analysis carried out by Valletti (2000) by considering an environmental externality in a vertically differentiated duopoly where firms compete à la Cournot with fixed costs of quality improvement.We show that, if the weight of the external effect is high enough, the resulting...
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-Nash equilibria ranging above marginal cost pricing also, to show that softening price competition may lead to a lower output …
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to show that firms may spontaneously adopt a green technology even in the complete absence of any form of regulation …
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We investigate the introduction of a minimum quality standard (MQS) in a vertically differentiated duopoly with an environmental externality. We establish that the MQS bites only if the hedonic component of consumer preferences is sufficiently strong. Then, we illustrate an underlying tradeoff...
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investigates – from a methodological viewpoint – the relationship between network connectivity and the rank-size rule (or Zipf …’s law) in an urban-economic network constellation. After a review of the literature, we address in particular the following …-economic network theories (e.g. entropy maximization, spatial interaction theory, etc.); (ii) the nature of the analytical relationship …
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perfection of the open-loop Nash solution. Moreover, we identify the admissible parameter region wherein price regulation …
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This paper examines the stability conditions of the equilibria in a market where profit-maximizing and CSR firms coexist in the presence of an environmental externality. An equilibrium in mixed duopoly is stable for low impact of productivity on pollution and high CSR sensitivity to consumer...
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I investigate two versions of a differential Cournot oligopoly game with nonrenewable resource exploitation, in which each firm may either exploit its own private pool or exploit a common pool jointly with the rivals. Firms use a deterministic technology to invest in exploration activities. In...
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We investigate the feasibility of horizontal mergers in a homogeneous triopoly where firms compete in quantities and production is polluting the environment. We show that the degree of alignment between private and social incentives increases in the intensity of pollution
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(FDIs). Here we propose an explanation to this apparent puzzle by exploiting the intensity of competition in a Bertrand … continuum of Bertrand-Nash equilibria ranging above marginal cost pricing, to show that softening competition may indeed more …
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