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We have developed a regime switching framework to compute the Value at Risk and Expected Shortfall measures. Although Value at Risk as a risk measure has been criticized by some researchers for lack of subadditivity, it is still a central tool in banking regulations and internal risk management...
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-Gaussian dependence. We use a stochastic time-change technique and provide the details for a Gamma change. The main feature of the model … is the fact that—opposite to other, non-jointly Gaussian settings—its risk-neutral dependence can be calibrated from …
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risk portfolios are modelled using a multivariate mixture model for the dependence structure between the risks. The … dependence structures are characterized by latent variables Θ, which play the role of systematic risks. We show that, depending …
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This paper focuses on the liquidity of electronic stock markets applying a sequential estimation approach of models for volume duration with increasing threshold values. A modified ACD model with a Box-Tukey transformation and a flexible generalized beta distribution is proposed to capture the...
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Determining the contributions of sub-portfolios or single exposures to portfolio-wide economic capital for credit risk is an important risk measurement task. Often, economic capital is measured as the Value-at-Risk (VaR) of the portfolio loss distribution. For many of the credit portfolio risk...
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the Gaussian copula. All these factor copulas are embedded in a framework of stochastic correlations. We furthermore … generalize the linear dependence in the usual factor approach to a more general Archimedean copula dependence between the …
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We present a flexible class of hierarchical copulas capable of modelling multidimensional joint distributions of asset …
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We propose a non-symmetric copula to model the evolution of electricity and gas prices by a bivariate non-Gaussian autoregressive process. We identify the marginal dynamics as driven by normal inverse Gaussian processes, estimating them from a series of observed UK electricity and gas spot data....
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