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We study aspects of economic growth in a stylized smart city with two distinct features. First, the modeled inhabitants of this city are smart because they possess skills. Using the language of Richard Florida, these inhabitants comprise the city's creative class and hence they possess creative...
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We provide what to the best of our knowledge is the first theoretical analysis of the total effects of human capital use, innovative activity, and patent protection, on economic growth in a model with many regions. In each region, consumers have constant relative risk aversion preferences, there...
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We analyze the interactions between positive and negative externalities in innovation and trade for economic growth in … is growth in the human capital stock but there are negative externalities in innovation. In this scenario, we show that … opening a region to trade leads to more innovation but to no change in its long run growth rate …
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We study innovation and the resulting Schumpeterian economic growth that this innovation gives rise to in a model with … balanced growth path (BGP) allocations and the equilibrium of interest. Second, we stipulate the form of the innovation … little innovation in (i) the ith region, (ii) an aggregate economy of N>2 regions and (iii) an aggregate economy of N=2 …
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deterministic model, R&D in time t surely leads to an innovation in time t 1. In this setting, we show that relative to the balanced … innovation and a higher growth rate. Next, in the stochastic model, R&D in time t probabilistically leads to an innovation in …
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We analyze inefficiency and inequality associated with the use of creative capital to produce a final good. We first study a case in which the creative capital units are perfect substitutes in the production of the final good. We show that the equilibrium outcome is inefficient and that there is...
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We study aspects of economic growth in a region that is creative in the sense of Richard Florida. We model creativity …
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We study interregional competition for mobile creative capital between regions A and B. Regional authorities (RAs) in both regions use tax policy to attract the creative capital possessing members of the creative class to their region. The resulting tax revenues help RAs finance other objectives...
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A lacuna in the extant literature and our desire to contribute to the theoretical literature on how tax/subsidy policies can be used by regions to attract the creative class together provide the motivation for this paper. The paper’s basic contribution is that it is the first to theoretically...
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In this paper, we analyze some fundamental impacts of the process of informatization. In particular, we address socio-economic and spatial impacts and discuss possible consequences for policy. Our objective is to discuss issues concerning the desirability, necessity and possibility of government...
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